Rewarding and Lucrative: Health Care Administration

Graphic about new Health Care jobs


Earn your Health Care Administration Degree at Mandl School.

Earning a Health Care Administration degree can lead to a rewarding and potentially lucrative career as a health care administrator or manager in the fast-paced health industry. Demand for health care is rising, creating exciting job opportunities across the United States.



Associates Degree in Healthcare Administration programs provide students with the skills that are necessary for them to acquire entry-level employment in the healthcare industry. For the most part, individuals who acquire an Associates Degree in Healthcare Administration are rewarded with quick access to an array of entry-level healthcare administration job opportunities.


Earn impressive starting salaries.

According to, those who earn associate degrees in health care administration become health care administrators, or medical and health services managers, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies them. Health care administrators work in hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient care centers and clinics. They oversee all operations in these facilities, managing their budgets and developing growth strategies for increasing revenue. Health care administrators with associate degrees can earn starting salaries averaging nearly $70,000 annually.


Mandl Career Services can help.

Mandl Career Services department is focused on helping graduates find the best possible jobs and career paths.  Health care administrators can earn higher starting salaries working for different types of facilities, especially those in which medical and health services managers earn more such as specialty hospitals, cancer and cardiac care facilities and surgical hospitals. Health care administrators may also earn more in larger medical facilities, which typically have more financial resources to support their higher salaries.


Job Outlook looks great.

The BLS projects a 22-percent increase in jobs for medical and health care managers, faster than the 14-percent average for all occupations. Increases in demand for medical services should boost jobs for health care managers and administrators, especially as the comparatively large baby boom population ages. Applicants will likely find more available jobs in doctors’ offices and nursing homes as medical technologies improve.


Contact Mandl School.

Contact Mandl School about our Health Care Administration degree program, We will talk to you about getting started, Career Services and much more. Call 212-247-3434 to speak with a Mandl representative today or fill our form and we will get back to you right away.

February is Heart Health Month

Hand making heart

This February is heart health month.  A time to think about a vital organ that has multiple meanings.  General health, spiritual health, love of friends and family and a time to think of others.  As one of NYC’s oldest medical training schools, we’ll focus on the health (and encourage the spirit and love!)

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease.  In the United States, the most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to heart attack because of decreased blood flow.  Fortunately, you can greatly reduce your risk for CAD through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medication.

The good news? Heart disease can often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions. Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for people to make healthier choices.

Make a difference in your community: Spread the word about strategies for preventing heart disease and encourage people to live heart healthy lives.

Heart Health

How can February American Heart Month make a difference?

We can use this month to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it — both at home and in the community.

Here are just a few ideas:

  • Encourage families to make small changes, like using spices to season their food instead of salt.
  • Motivate teachers and administrators to make physical activity a part of the school day. This can help students start good habits early.
  • Ask doctors and nurses to be leaders in their communities by speaking out about ways to prevent heart disease.

How can I help spread the word about Heart Health?

We’ve made it easier for you to make a difference. This toolkit is full of ideas to help you take action today. For example:

National HIV Testing Day 6/27

National HIV testing day is Wednesday June 27.

June 27th is an important day, it is National HIV Testing Day.  In an effort to keep our students at Mandl School, their families and everyone informed of news and events related to health care, it’s important to spread the word that June 27th is National HIV Testing Day. We have come so far in testing and treating HIV but there are still people living with HIV and may not know it.

National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), a day to encourage people to get tested for HIV, know their status, and get linked to care and treatment if they have HIV. This year’s theme, Doing It My Way, Testing for HIV, reminds us that each person has their own reasons why they test for HIV and their own unique ways of Doing It.

About 1.1 million people in the United States have HIV.

In the 1.1 million people, 1 in 7 don’t know they have HIV. Many people have HIV for years[1.86 MB] before they get a diagnosis. For those who are living with undiagnosed HIV, testing is the first step in maintaining a healthy life and reducing HIV transmission. CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care and those at high risk get tested at least once a year. Some sexually active gay and bisexual men may benefit from more frequent testing (every 3 to 6 months).

Get tested for HIV

Knowing your HIV status gives you powerful information to help keep you and your partner healthy. Join us on NHTD to raise awareness about the importance of HIV testing and early diagnosis of HIV. Share why and how you are getting tested for a chance to be featured on the Doing It My Way social wall.

Knowing your HIV status helps keep you and your partner healthy. Visit Doing It to learn more.

What Can You Do?

Get the facts. Learn about HIV, and share this information with your family, friends, and community.

Get tested. The only way to know for sure whether you have HIV is to get tested. To find a testing site near you, use the Doing It testing locator, text your ZIP code to KNOWIT (566948), or call 1-800-CDC-INFO. You can also use a home testing kit, available in drugstores or online.

Protect yourself and your partner. Today, we have powerful tools to prevent HIV and help people with HIV to stay healthy. If you have HIV, start treatment as soon as possible after you get a diagnosis. The most important thing you can do is take HIV medicine as prescribed by your doctor.

HIV medicine lowers the amount of virus (viral load) in your body, and taking it every day can make your viral load undetectable. If you get and keep an undetectable viral load, you can stay healthy for many years, and you have effectively no risk of transmitting HIV through sex to an HIV-negative partner. To make sure you keep an undetectable viral load, take your medicine as prescribed, and see your provider regularly to monitor your health.

There are many other actions you can take to prevent getting or transmitting HIV:

  • Use condoms the right way every time you have sex. Learn the right way to use a male condomor a female condom. Check out the condom locator to find condoms near you.
  • If you are HIV-negative but at high risk for HIV, take daily medicine to prevent HIV, called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Use the PrEP locatorto find a PrEP provider in your area.
  • Talk to your doctor about post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)if you think you have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours and are not on PrEP.
  • Choose less riskysexual behaviors.
  • Limit your number of sexual partners.
  • Get tested and treated for other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Never share syringes or other equipment to inject drugs (works).
  • Remember, abstinence (not having sex) and not sharing syringes or works are the only 100% effective ways to prevent HIV.

You can learn more about how to protect yourself and your partners and get information tailored to meet your needs from CDC’s HIV Risk Reduction Tool(BETA).

Read full article here

At Mandl School, Our pledge is to provide our students with the finest Allied Health academic programs and training available in the New York City.  It is our mission to educate men and women, regardless of their backgrounds, to serve ably and effectively in the allied health industry. For more information about starting a career in Health Care, please contact us here or call 212-247-3434.

Bone Marrow Registry Event

Bone Marrow Registry

Bone Marrow Registry will take place at Mandl School on June 6, 2018.

Each year, nearly 17,500 people, ages 0-74, in the United States are diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses where a bone marrow transplant or umbilical cord blood transplant (also called a BMT) from a related or unrelated matched donor is their best treatment option. A bone marrow or cord blood transplant replaces a patient’s diseased blood-forming cells with healthy cells.

Mandl School, The College of Allied Health takes this issue quite seriously.

We have organized a Bone Marrow Registry Event for June 6, 2018 in our facilities. We expect a large crowd to attend and hope anyone who reads this will join us or contact us at how they can register at a different time.

Bone Marrow transplant

A well-matched donor is important to the success of a transplant.

Doctors look for a marrow donor or cord blood unit with a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue type that closely matches the patient’s. HLA are proteins, or markers, that the immune system uses to recognize the cells that belong in the body and those that do not.

Because tissue type is inherited, you might expect that a family member would be the best match. However, only 30% of patients will have a relative who matches and is able to donate. The other 70%, or approximately 12,000 people, need someone like you to donate their healthy marrow.

Even with nearly 29 million potential marrow donors and 712,000 cord blood units available worldwide, it is harder for patients of racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds to find a match. Because tissue type is most likely to match someone of the same race and ethnicity, donors of these racial and ethnic heritages are especially needed:

American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African-American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Multiple race

A close match between a patient’s and donor’s tissue type can improve the chances of a successful transplant. When a patient searches for a donor, sometimes he or she finds a closely matched donor, sometimes not. A patient could be waiting for someone like you.

You can read more from the Health Resources and Services  Administration HERE

Contact us to learn more about our programs, special events and the Mandl School, the College of Allied Health.

May is Mental Health Month

Health and Human Services Degree Mandl School

So much of our daily life determines our mental health. Diet and Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Stress and more all factor into how we approach our short term and long terms life goals. When we talk about health, we can’t just focus on heart health, or liver health, or brain health, and not whole health. You have to see the whole person, and make use of the tools and resources that benefit minds and bodies together.

Mental Health America click here – founded in 1909 – is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. Their work is driven by a commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all, early identification and intervention for those at risk, integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it, with recovery as the goal.

Understanding the importance of Mental Health.

Understanding the importance of mental health, signs of people in need of help and also signs for yourself are all important for well being. Our Health & Human Services program, while focused on Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling, encourages students to understand many human conditions. Our program builds on a strong foundation of the study human behavior and human development within the context of the psychological, social, and biophysical environments in which people live today. Students will develop skills needed to work with others on a one-on-one, as well as in group settings, from which they will practice and learn the ethical standards of the helping profession.

Mental Health and Mandl School Financial Aid

Another organization with great Mental Health resources in the National Alliance of Mental Illness. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. They offer great insight in mental health, educational programs and more.